Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In the Beginning...

Kos created the orange and the white, and the earth was without blogs, and void of a sphere of left-wing influence to counter the darkness that was right wing talk radio...

Okay, enough of the biblical shtick. Daily Kos was the very first blog I read way back during the days of Howard Dean's upstart run for the Presidency back in the Spring of 2003. I lurked and eventually posted under a now-banned user name for a period before drifting over to MyDD, a smaller, smarter, more user-friendly blog in 2005. Starting at the end of 2006 I picked up the pseudonym Vox Populi and started my tenure at MyDD as one of the most prominent promoters of John Edwards' presidential run (thankfully my guy didn't become the nominee). During 2007, I discovered a small website called Blue Indiana, where late that year our dear Wilson dubbed me "Vox Republicani" for my criticism of the Carsons. Shortly after Andre Carson became our Congressman I posted a single post on the now-defunct Tyrion's Point.

I love Blue Indiana. Thomas is one smart cookie. In addition to remaining a poster there, however, I've decided to go out on my own for a trial run (hence the free and easy-to-use Blogger account). Hoosier Progressive is the name of the blog, and advancing progressive ideas, cultural issues and candidates is the agenda.

Of course I'll bash Republicans and their allies when warranted. Which will probably be often. While I expect to find very minimal readership, I hope those of us who do visit here are able to enjoy each other's company for a long time to come.


Vox Populi

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Vox.

I'll be checking in from time to time.